Thursday 29 July 2010


So far so good, and as far as the safety team side of things goes we have had no problems at all.
As usual with theeese camps there is a quite chilled out end and a slightly nosier end, and just like previous peaks the quiter chilled out end is at the northern part of the camp.
 The Scouts have been out on various activites, and walking round the site theres alot of tired people around as the peak camp enters its final few days.
 I hope to put a few more photos up in the next few days and this blog will continue to be updated from live from Peak 2010 right up until I leave on afternoon of Sunday the 1st of August, that is a full day after all the scouts have gone. If anyone wants to see any parts of the camp (that i can practicly get to ) then leave a comment below.
One more thning, dont forget to keep voting for the Scouts model penknife, you can vote as many times as you like click here
 More later - trev.

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