Saturday 31 July 2010

All done

The last scout has left the site, The guides have all packed up and Peak2010 is eerily quite with only the sound from a couple of distant generators  breaking the silence.
 We have now officialy been stood down on safety team, and tonight its a get together in the pub, then on to one of the marquees that remain on site.
 i will be taking a few more photos of the camp site tomorrow and posting them on here.
theres still a few more photos to go up from my phone.
 Also at some point i will put together a presentation DVD that will be made available sometime in the future.

If you want to see any specific are of the camp after the Scouts have gone leave a comment below.


  1. Hi can you photograph the 1st celbridge troop still on site tonight in Everglades if you het a chance thanks jim

  2. 1st Cellbridge and all the other Scouts and guides had all left by 6pm, although i will be having a look at everlgades subcamp (site of) later
