Saturday 31 July 2010

All done

The last scout has left the site, The guides have all packed up and Peak2010 is eerily quite with only the sound from a couple of distant generators  breaking the silence.
 We have now officialy been stood down on safety team, and tonight its a get together in the pub, then on to one of the marquees that remain on site.
 i will be taking a few more photos of the camp site tomorrow and posting them on here.
theres still a few more photos to go up from my phone.
 Also at some point i will put together a presentation DVD that will be made available sometime in the future.

If you want to see any specific are of the camp after the Scouts have gone leave a comment below.

Keep voting for the penknife

Keep voting here if it says tell a freind instead of vote, disconect from the internet (turn your router on and off ) and you can vote some more

one day to go...

Its now 3pm on Saturday the 31st of July, and tommorow i pack up and head home.
 Already the peak 2010 site is emptying out at a rapid pace, the big marquees are comming down, what was once an area full of tents is now nothing but patches of yellow grass.

Half of the water system is being removed (subcamps kazakh, everglades, himalayas,pacific and arctic ) and the toilets on that side of the camp are shut, making it a bit of a long walk for facilities to those who are still on site.
 There should be some more photos of the dismantling of peak coming soon.

Going down


Trading rainbow falls


Melbourne camped here


Serrengeti subcamp corner



Site of

Its getting light

Its now 4am and its getting light and there is a light mist hanging over the camp on this cold morning


The closing ceremony finished with a fireworks display.

Closing ceremony

There was a bit of a delay to the start due to the heavy rain, however the rain soon eased off and everything went ahead

Village shop

This is the nearest shop to peak

Packing up

Tents going down on serrengeti subcamp

Rice krispies

By the cratefull in staff catering

Friday 30 July 2010

Mountain bike


Friday - camp closing ceremony

And its raining.
 in just under an hour its the closing ceremony at Peak 2010 where all those who are camping on site will be assembling in the main arena to mark the end of peak 2010.
 Tommorow morning almost all groups will be leaving site, and everyone should be gone by early afternoon.
The peak site itself has to be returned back to empty fields by tuesday, all the waterpipes, electrical systems, marquess tents, phone systems - the whole lot has to be packed up.
Im on the late shift tonight, and hopefuly the weather will clear.

more photos to follow later.
dont forget to keep voting for the model penknife, the link is on the left.

Thursday 29 July 2010


So far so good, and as far as the safety team side of things goes we have had no problems at all.
As usual with theeese camps there is a quite chilled out end and a slightly nosier end, and just like previous peaks the quiter chilled out end is at the northern part of the camp.
 The Scouts have been out on various activites, and walking round the site theres alot of tired people around as the peak camp enters its final few days.
 I hope to put a few more photos up in the next few days and this blog will continue to be updated from live from Peak 2010 right up until I leave on afternoon of Sunday the 1st of August, that is a full day after all the scouts have gone. If anyone wants to see any parts of the camp (that i can practicly get to ) then leave a comment below.
One more thning, dont forget to keep voting for the Scouts model penknife, you can vote as many times as you like click here
 More later - trev.

Mountain bike (skills)


Talent show crowd


Talent show



Outside their tent



My tent

Clean and tidy

Archery area


Safety control


Wednesday 28 July 2010

Vote for our Scouts so they can win a prize

Some of the Melbourne Scouts made a model penknife and YOU could help them win a prize.
Up for grabs is £65 of go outdoors vouchers and some camping equipment from blacks.
Its an online vote competition and all you need to do is go to the website below and click Vote

Another busy day

and a bit of a weird one in terms of my body clock....
 Last night it was the first overnight shift for me on the site safety team, once everyone on site had settled down and gone to sleep not much happened, other than a leaky tap, and some deer in/arround serrengetti subcamp at 3am.
 After that it was off to breakfast and then an attempt to catch up on some much delayed sleep, before waking up for lunch, a quick shower then back on duty.
 Tuesday was visitors day, and with more people on site we had an incredibly busy day, ive just finished now until tommorow so it will soon  be time to catch up on some missing sleep.

Tuesday 27 July 2010


Not been to bed yet heres a photo of the absailing wall at 5 30

Three forty two am

Its now 3:42 am and all is quite, less than three hours to go

Caption competition

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Monday 26 July 2010

Chips and burgers and stuff


Street hockey


Street hockey


A Wet morning at peak

I woke up this morning to an warm but dry start, however this didnt last long and its now raining, although its supposed to dry up later.
 My next shift is tonight from 9:00pm to 06:30am the next morning,  so as far as the rest of today goes im planning on taking it easy, as im going to be up for quite a while.
 Yesterdays shift was the early 05:30am to 1:30pm shift which started quietly by patrolling round the still asleep campsite with not much more than  the odd bit of snoring from some leaders tents breaking the silence( loudest was on barrier reef subcamp) 
 The camp started to awaken just before 7am, and then it was off to man the main camp entrance towards the house, with plenty of day leaders arriving on site not knowing where they were supposed to be going, and quite a few other  random people who just  wanted to come in and have a look, these had to be turned away or re-directed down the public footpath that runs into baslow at the bottom end of the camp.
 As its going to be a long day im just chilling out at the moment before tonights shift.
Today also sees the start of the cub/brownie visiting days, which run until wednesday, and on Tuesday its visitors day/evening.
 There will be a few more photos from around the site posted later this afternoon, all being well.

Saturday 24 July 2010

Thursday 22 July 2010

Arrived on site

I finaly made it past the diversions (the A6 was/is closed in two places ) im all set up (just  ) and about to head out to the bar to see who else is here.
 its looking more like a campsite and less like empty fields now, the abseiling tower is taking shape, the main marquees are up, the toilet blocks and water taps are all connected, and the generators are chugging away quietly in the background.
 If you want a sneek peek at any areas of peak let me know by posting a comment below.
 all being well there should be more photos tomorrow

Peak 2010


This way


Sunday 18 July 2010

Less than a week to go

With less than a week to go, i think ive got everything sorted, and if nothings changed my first shift is on Saturday from 1:00pm to 9:30pm, followed by an early start with the 5:30am to 1:30pm shift, Monday its overnight from 21:30 to 06:00 and so on. 
 In the meantime have you read the peak information pack? you can download it form the official peak website at its in the red box on the main page.

 ive got a few more photos, mostly of empty fields, so the next set of photos should be of the camp itself from later on Thrusday afternoon.
 Most of the updates on here will probably be done from a mobile phone, complete with a predictive text input that often causes some words to come out wrong, so the Rain has now stopped may appear as "The pain has now stopped"  
 There is a copy of a draft map towards the bottom of this blog, some things may have changed slightly, but the layout is the same.
Just to give you an idea of how long the camp is,  It took me over 20 minutes to walk the length of the camp, and that was with no one else around.
 Comments on this blog are welcome and can be made by clicking on the comments section at the bottom of each post.

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Peak 2005 photos

Here are a few photos from the previous Peak camp, held in 2005

Theres more on Peak 2005 including more photos, and news from that camp here
Peak 2005 website (click)
And Peak the 2000 website Here 
Both websites contain a huge amount of photos, and information about what a peak camp looks like.